Thursday, August 27, 2020

Monetary Policy Action Effect on Economy Essay

The Federal Reserve’s choice in August 2006 to leave loan costs unaltered underscores the level of vulnerability in the U. S. monetary foundation about the not so distant future. For as long as two years money related strategy pretty much went on in a direct way; the Fed’s policymakers raised their benchmark government supports rate by a quarter point at 17 progressive gatherings as the economy rose up out of a period when collapse looked a genuine danger back to an increasingly typical universe of solid development and consistently rising swelling. As of now, there are, extensively, three perspectives among market analysts about what occurs straightaway. The initial, a hopeful evaluation with regards to ongoing monetary history, favors the â€Å"soft landing† approach. The Fed has raised rates by sufficiently only, as per this view, to control development in order to crush swelling again into its case. The Fed supports rate currently remains at 5. 25 percent; with expansion in the 2. 5 percent to three percent go, that speaks to a genuine pace of around 2. 5 percent, a sensible measure of restriction. On this view, the Fed most likely won’t need to do much else on financing costs for a long time to come †simply watch in fulfillment as the economy eases back to its ideal pace. The subsequent view is skeptical and frightful. It accepts that the Fed has just gone excessively far. The lodging market, the driver of such a great amount of interest for the worldwide economy, is off forcefully. Numerous Americans are urgently renegotiating transient customizable rate contracts they took out three years prior when rates were at noteworthy lows. They are ending up with a huge number of dollars less a year in extra cash than they had a year ago. Obligation levels are high as can be and the investment funds rate is negative. As shoppers remake their worn out accounting reports, they will cut spending strongly, with disastrous results. High oil costs are exacerbating the situation. On this evaluation, the following move in rates will be down, if the Fed is to turn away an extremely horrendous stun to the economy. A few business analysts figure the fed supports will be beneath 4. 5 percent by the center of one year from now as Ben Bernanke, the Fed executive, battles to turn away an all out downturn. The third view may be called fatalistic authenticity. It acknowledges the second recommendation that, on current strategies, a downturn is coming, yet demands that it is completely vital and it says that the Fed, a long way from pushing on the monetary quickening agent, should keep its foot on the brake. For the Fed, and the world, a downturn might be the value that now should be paid to deflect a more drawn out term calamity (Baker).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Time Machine Book Essay Example For Students

The Time Machine Book Essay H G Wells needs us to contrast the Morlocks and the crab-like animals since he needs to show what will befall people when they advance. Wells needed to terrify individuals. In this concentrate the time-traveler continues proceeding onward a hundred years He could be doing this to fulfill his own interest this isn't the parts of the bargains. Wells ensures the time-traveler returns to Victorian culture to share what he has found since he is attempting to embed change into the perusers mind. This concurs with H G Wells thoughts and could recommend that he is attempting to caution the peruser. We will compose a custom paper on The Time Machine Book explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now This could likewise show that he is attempting to terrify the peruser. You could contrast the book with current movies like Day After Tomorrow since it manages current issues. Day After Tomorrow discusses a present issue of a worldwide temperature alteration. At the point when Time Machine was composed there were numerous hypotheses about development. For example, the time-traveler goes ahead in time and anticipates that the world should show signs of improvement; this could go with the issues that Darwin and his hypothesis of advancement were bringing up in Victorian culture at that point. The word destruction shows H G Wells concurrence with Huxleys hypothesis of entropy and rot. At the point when the time-traveler goes ahead in time, what he finds isn't what he anticipated. The time-traveler anticipates everything/everybody to have developed. What he finds is H G Wells see on the future-entropy and rot. At the point when the voyager shows up later on his first supposition that will be that the Eloi is the high society and the Morlocks are their slaves. This is an entrepreneur thought and could without much of a stretch identify with Victorian occasions. In the Time Machine, when the explorer is glancing around again he has a feeling of disarray about what's going on. The word again recommends that he has just checked out him is as yet questionable of what he is seeing. This could likewise make the peruser anxious as they too dont comprehend what is happening. The word uncertainly could recommend that the time traveler knows what is happening however isn't absolutely certain. The dread and pressure that the time traveler could be encountering may move to the peruser in light of the fact that they know precisely what he does-which is certifiably not a ton. This could be perplexing to the peruser on the grounds that they might want to realize what is happening however cant. All through the concentrate you get a sentiment of a horrendous perspective on what mankind has advanced into. For instance, the nonstop references to beasts could recommend that what people have advanced are very terrible. Likewise, the manner in which the world has been portrayed gives you a feeling of awfulness. In the last 50% of the concentrate the manner in which the world is portrayed gives you a feeling of the universes end. This is on the grounds that H G Wells depicts everything as kicking the bucket and its all equitable not generally excellent. A similar kicking the bucket ocean proposes that it has been continuing for a lot of time and there is no returning as its withering. Checking out me again proposes that the time traveler is new to his environmental factors and that he has just seen and is very uncertain. I saw that, very close makes a dread of the obscure as it could be something risky. Likewise it makes the peruser think why didnt he notice it before now? What I had taken to be shows that the voyager was mixed up the first run through. Likewise, very far into the sentence, we still dont realize what it is that they are ranting about. A rosy mass of rock shows this could be another thing as its not really red but rather that is they just thing you can portray it as. Besides, it recommends that it is large, hard-looking and unpredictable and there arent numerous things you can confuse that with. Was moving gradually demonstrates that it is large and unpredictable on the grounds that it is moving gradually. .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 , .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 .postImageUrl , .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 , .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66:hover , .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66:visited , .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66:active { border:0!important; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66:active , .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66:hover { murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uab7883b5 4c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uab7883b54c79a61a01f2e2d8854acd66:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Antigone: The True Tragic Hero In Sophocles' Antigone EssayIt recommends dread as we still dont realize what it is nevertheless it is moving gradually so the explorer wouldnt be in any quick sort of peril. Towards me, toward the finish of the sentence we still dont recognize what this thing is, yet the time-traveler is unmistakably in a peril. This sentence is an incredible case of how Wells utilization of sentence structure develops strain and dread all through the book. At the point when the time-traveler returns just because and recounts to his story and proceeds to vanish perpetually, it doesn't legitimately show that he went ahead in time on the planet earth. He could have gone anyplace. The concentrate discusses a withering planet and everything on it yet that could be anyplace. This could make the peruser be confounded or wary on the grounds that it doesnt offer you an authoritative response of what occurred. It could leave them interested into what occurs toward the apocalypse. I feel that Wells was effective in making apprehension and strain in light of the fact that at numerous focuses during the book, the peruser could get startled with respect to what will happen to the world and the time traveler.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive GMAT Impact The 20132014 Strategy for Integrated Reasoning

Blog Archive GMAT Impact The 2013â€"2014 Strategy for Integrated Reasoning When it comes to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. In this weekly blog series,  Manhattan GMAT’s  Stacey Koprince  teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. We know that business schools are not using the Integrated Reasoning (IR) section much (if at all) this first year, for admission in the fall of 2013, but we also know that IR will probably become more importantâ€"graduallyâ€"over time. So what should you do if you are taking the GMAT sometime this year in preparation for a fall 2014 start? How much attention do you really need to pay to IR, and what kind of score will be good enough? The mean score is a 4.34 (on a scale of 1 to 8). In general, as with the essays, we want to try to hit or beat the mean. Because the mean is between two scores, we should aim for a 5 in general. If you are applying to ultracompetitive programs, you may want to aim for a 6, just in case. Why not just go all out for an 8? Given that the Quant and Verbal sections are critically importantâ€"and they come after the IR sectionâ€"we need to make sure that we are saving most of our effort for these two sections. How do we get that “good enough” score? Given that we are not going for a perfect score, we can decide ahead of time to skip a certain number of questions. That is right, we are just going to guess outright, randomly and immediately, on multiple questions! If you are going for a 5, guess on three questions in the section; if you are going for a 6, guess on two questions. On which questions should you guess? IR is a pretty even mix of quant and verbal reasoning skills, so weight your attention more heavily toward your stronger area. Really good at Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension (RC)?  Bail more quickly when you see a really hard quant-based IR question. Alternatively, is math your thing?  Then be ready to guess and move on more quickly when you encounter a really long, convoluted text with reasoning-based questions. If RC is a big weakness for you, you might even decide to bail on the entire Multi-Source Reasoning prompt, which usually comes with two or three questions. How do we study for IR? Next, IR is probably pretty different from any kind of test question you have seen before â€" so you are going to need some resources that can help you learn how to tackle these things. I will start you off with some free resources, and then you can work from there. Table questions: We are given a table with lots of data to interpret; half of the trick here is knowing what we can ignore! Two-Part questions: These are not that different from the standard multiple choice given in Quant and Verbal, except that we have to answer two questions, not just one. Graph questions: We are given a graph or chart of some kind and have to figure out what it means so we can answer some questions. Multi-Source Reasoning questions: These are somewhat reminiscent of RC, though the questions can include quant concepts. We are given a bunch of information spread over two or three tabs; we have to wade through it and then answer two or three questions (usually three), all about the same information. Key Takeaways for IR: (1) Know your goal: To get a good enough score and be prepared enough that IR does not wipe you out mentally before you get to the more important later sections. (2) Build some flexibility into your time frame and prep plan. Some people will find they need more prep time than they might have expected. Others will think, Wow, I wish the whole test were like this! (3) Your prep process will be very similar to what you have already been doing for Quant and Verbalâ€"same kinds of fundamental content, same kinds of study activities, same kinds of analysis of your work and so on. This will just be happening with new question types, that is all. * GMAT is a trademark of the Graduate Management Admissions Council. Use of the name or any material does not imply endorsement by GMAC. Share ThisTweet GMAT Impact

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Importance of Effective Supervision Through Communication

The Importance of Effective Supervision Through Communication The importance of a good effective supervisor with good communication skills, will prove to be one of the most valuable tools to any business or working environment, the benefits are both measurable and un-measurable. The ability to give clear, complete, concise, consistent, correct and courteous information can only show the follower that you are aware, that their understanding of information is your main focus, and for those on the receiving end of the conversation; you show them your ability to be an attentive and active listener, which gives the indication to the speaker, that what they are saying is important to you as well. When communicating with someone in any setting,†¦show more content†¦People want to be enlightened or shown appreciation for their time, so one must have the tools to determine what approaches to use, whether they be direct or persuasive, their must be a connection made. The audience is looking to the presenter to provide comp lete and correct information, so they can make educated decisions that may be beneficial to their own world and that of the team as well. The leader should also have the insight to give place to the input from the followers when appropriate, for the best solutions will come from those that are the closest to the problem, while giving empowerment to all directly involved. In the realm of the public and customer service, it is imperative to the future of any business to provide the customer a reason to return to you or even tell their friends about you. The impressions that we make to those who are seeking a service from us; although they will never forget a bad experience, will tell everyone and if the experiences are good, they will return happily and your hope will be; that they will also tell everyone else. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay - 1193 Words

(No subject) JJ Jonathan Joa Reply| Today, 9:53 AM You Jonathan Joa 10/8/16 Sophomore Seminar I Woodsworth Half Half There is a second title to the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Jane Austen did not initially call the book title Pride and Prejudice but rather called it First Impressions. Although this book initially had a different title, they both have a significance at two different halves of the book.The initial title First Impressions that Austen gave to the book is dominantly reflected throughout the beginning. As the novel progresses towards the middle to the ending, that is when we see the aspects of the current title Pride and Prejudice dominantly come into play. One signifiant aspect that these two titles portray throughout the characters is personality. The title First Impressions represents initial traits that include being anything from judgmental and arrogant or polite and kind while the other title Pride and Prejudice reveals the complete change in character traits towards the ending of the novel. Further on, there is a connection between both of the titles being that because of first impressions, it causes the individual who views the first impression to become prejudiced. The first scene where this connection begins is in the ballroom between two people named Darcy and Elizabeth. Darcy is a wealthy man in theShow MoreRelatedPride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1724 Words   |  7 PagesThe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1467 Words   |  6 Pa ges Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a classic novel that has remained relevant even years after its release. Its themes and symbols are understandable to even the most modern of reader. One of the many themes is sisterhood, something that is focused on constantly throughout the novel. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel, finds many of her decisions to be based upon the actions of her sisters. Making sisterhood a main driving force. Whether they are confiding in each other for marriageRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen872 Words   |  4 PagesIn my personal cherished novel, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the worlds of two immensely divergent people display the marxist idea of the importance of social status and its affect on the people. The two main characters seem to be on opposite ends of the earth in terms of an affluent Mr. Darcy being so privileged while on the contrary, Miss Elizabeth Bennet is of a lower class. Throughout the novel, there is a f ine distinction between their clashing opinions and actions that are highly influencedRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1285 Words   |  6 PagesPride and Prejudice Analysis I.Introduction Jane Austen wrote her novels during the time period known as the Regency. The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason, a time where ideas like democracy, secularism, and the rise of developing sciences were making their way across Europe had come to an end.It was replaced with the wave of horror that was the French Revolution, a once minor revolt that escalated into a violent war, concluding with the rise of Napoleon, which whom England fought against the majorityRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pageshe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the ti me, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1570 Words   |  7 PagesThe comical novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen depicts the love life of women in the early 1800’s. Austen shows the hardships young women in that time period had to go threw to find their place in this world. Women were thought of as objects to the men, they were supposed to be stay at home mothers, or simple just a accessory to their partner. Women were the subordinates in life, as they still are today. Austen tells the story of how Mrs. Bennet (a mother of 5) works tirelessly to get her daughtersRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen914 Words   |  4 Pages Bell 1 Natalie Bell Pedersen English 4 honors 29 February 2016 Pride and Prejudice Essay Jane Austen s novel, Pride and Prejudice, focuses on the social conflicts of England during the 1800s. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy fall in love, and face social criticism. Mr. Darcy struggles with the ideology of societal expectations while falling in love with Elizabeth Bennet. After persistent self-reflection, Mr. Darcy overcomes the stereotype of whom he should marry, and marries ElizabethRead More Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 1104 Words   |  5 Pagesrate of over 50% from 1970-2010. However, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, marriage was often one of the few choices for a woman’s occupation. Reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen from the twenty-first century perspective might make some matters that are stressed in the book seem dated or trivial. As Pride and Prejudice was set sometime during the Napoleonic Wars, it is only fitting that finding a proper marriage is on the minds of many of the women in the book. Marriage and marryingRead Mo rePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1732 Words   |  7 PagesIn Pride and Prejudice, the first marriage presented is that of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Being the parents of five daughters, the Bennet s marriage set the example for their children yet their relationship did not constitute true love, but more of mutual tolerance. Mrs. Bennet, an obnoxious women with an erratic temper, symbolizes society’s obsession with material wealth and social standing. As Jane Austen states when describing Mrs. Bennet, â€Å"The business of her Vanek 7 life was to get her daughtersRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1384 Words   |  6 PagesNicole Voyatzis Professor W. Acres HISTORY 1401E May 26, 2015 Discussion Paper - Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice written in 1813 by Jane Austen tells the story of The Bennet’s and their five unmarried daughters. The family live as part of the lower gentry in early 19th century England. With that being said, Mrs. Bennet’s primary focus in life is to ensure that all her daughters are married, preferably to wealthy men. The book begins with Mrs. Bennet seeing an opportunity for her daughters

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Analysis Organizational Change and Management

Question: Discuss about the Business Analysis Organizational Change and Management. Answer: Introduction: This report is about the business analysis of Blackberry. In order to get the desired level of success in the business of the company, the company needs to analyze the efficiency of the business operations and key resources for satisfying their customers. In this context, the value proposition, customer relationship and key resources of the organization have been analyzed in this paper aligned with the business operations of the company. Value Proposition: The high level of security of the products of the products of the company is the most important value added o the business. The demands of the Blackberry device in the corporate sector are very high due to this factors. The Effective design and high security systems of the device is making it different from the other similar types of products. In this context, the military officers have the high demand of the products for the security purposes (Sambamurthy Zmud, 2012). The medium and large size of business organizations are also like the product as they need to send confidential messages or documents securely. The mobile phones allow the users to do all the activities like internet surfing, gaming, efficient messaging, emailing through a single device. This is also a mentionable value added to the area of the mobile phone use. Customer Segment: The company is conducting the business in both the B2B and B2C methods. Therefore, they have both the individual end users and the commercial organizations as their customers. In the section of the B2B business, the company has the corporate business organizations as their customers (Calantone, Vickery Drge, 2015). These are the potential customers, who make a huge amount of sale of the products. In this section, the middle and large firms are also a valuable customer segment (Tallon, Kraemer Gurbaxani, 2015). At the present situation, maximum end user customers prefer to buy the products from the retail shops rather than direct from the company, as the number of stores in local areas are limited. The particular product is very helpful for the military officers. Therefore, a huge portion of business is conducted with the military officers. Furthermore, the end user individual customers of the company are also a valuable customer segment of the company. Customer Relationship Maintenance: The company uses efficient advertising policies for developing a good relationship with the customers. They used to provide advertisements regarding the utilities of the products and services of the company in the internet and telecommunication retailers. The internet advertisements allows the company to understand the customers needs and perception regarding the products and services of the company (Middleton, 2012). The company also provide effective mobile plans through the collaboration with the telecommunication retailers. The most effective strategy used for the customer relationship management is the warranty policy of the company. they used to provide efficient level of support to the customer in case of any faulty in the products of the company. Key Resources: The key resources are the building blocks that can describe the most essential assets required for making a business model operable. Resources are the major elements with the help of which, companies generally develop their products. Therefore, in case of Blackberry smart-phones as well as services, there are few key as well as the most significant resource which are the building blocks for the development of the products or services of Blackberry Ltd (Lin Ye, 2012). One of the key resources of Blackberry, the Communication Service Providers such as Telstra, Vodafone and Optus can electronically transport information. On the other hand, Sim cards are the most important resources to make the blackberry smart-phones or services work. Apart from that, BBM coverage is also a very important as well as significant resource for the Blackberry smart-phones and services. Key Activities: Every product must have few key activities. In case of the Blackberry smart-phones, these phones have few key features or key activities which can be the unique selling point for the products or services of this organization (Tuten Urban, 2014). These are as follows: The most common and the most important activity of the mobile phones of Blackberry is calling or receiving calls. On the other hand, another important activity of the Blackberry smart-phones or services is the receiving and sending emails and text messages. Apart from that, web browsing is another most desired activity among the customers of Blackberry mobiles the blackberry smart-phones can store audio recordings, photos as well as documents. Besides that, on the mobile phones of Blackberry, users can play games during free times. Key Partners: The key partnership of a particular business is the partnership which is made while two commercial entities from an alliance, which may either an exclusive contract that has a limit for the two companies to only that one relationship or be a really loose relationship where both entities retain their independence as well as at the liberty for generating more partnerships (Arthur, 2011). Hence, in case of Blackberry, the major key partners are as follows: Provider of Communication Service - Telstra, Vodafone, Optus are the major partners of Blackberry in the context of the communication service provider concern. Social Media Social Media has become the major partner of all kinds of businesses all over the world. Therefore, Twitter, Facebook are the major or key media partners of Blackberry (Financial Documents - United States, 2016). Game Creator these key partners of Blackberry provide the scopes to the consumers for playing as well as downloading on the phones. Samsung as a key partner of Blackberry, Samsung provides a scope for implementing the operating system of Samsung to the phone of Blackberry (Financial statements for BlackBerry Ltd Google Finance, 2016). Telecommunication Retailer This key partner of blackberry gives the opportunity for selling phones outright or selling it with the mobile plans. Distribution Channels: As the company have is conducting both the B2B and B2C business, they are using both the direct and indirect distribution channels for their business operations. In the area of the direct marketing the company is using their own stores to sell the products to the end users of the mobile devices. On the other hand, the company is using other retailer organizations as their business partners. The corporate telecommunication organizations are also using as the indirect distribution channel of the company (Kovach, 2015). The company is providing collaborative service with other telecommunication service providers such as Tesla, Optus and Vodafone. The stores of Samsung company is also an indirect distribution channel of the company as the company is using the operating system of Samsung in their phones and the products are available in the Samsung stores. Risk Management: The potential risk of the companys business is the operating system of the device. After introducing the Android OS in the market, the popularity of the other OSs dropped drastically. The existing OS of the Blackberry phones is Java based (Skipworth, 2010). This is not able to attract new customers towards it. In order to reduce the risk the company is working for introducing touch screen Android based mobile phones in the market. Another business risk of the companys business is the high cost of the mobile phones. The handsets of Blackberry company are very costly compared to the other mobile phones. However, the value propositions of the products are not so effective in the present market. Other competitors are providing advance services in less price (Vodafone, 2016). The company is trying to develop new models which can be provided with lot of advance facilities in reasonable price. Conclusion: The value proposition of the company is good enough with respect to the high end security of the messaging and document delivery services. The customer relationship management strategy of the company is also good for the business, but the company is facing problem with the old Java based Operating System. As the technology is being updated rapidly and many competitors of the company is present in the same market, the company need to update their technology and compete efficiently with the others for remaining in the market. B2B and B2C customer relationship management strategy is efficient but need to develop new strategies with respect to the new updates of the devices. Recommendation: BlackBerry Smart Phone need to expand their market area and expand the outsourcing for increasing the reliability of the operating system. The Java based OS is no longer able to has a high demand. Therefore, the company need to adopt the android based OS for conducting a well business in the smart phone market. They can also adopt the IOS from Apple for making more reliable smart phones and attracting new customer towards it. The touch screen technology and efficiency of the cameras of the device need to be updated for competing with the other companys smart phones. The number of applications supported by the Blackberry mobile phones is very less. In order to compete with the other mobile phone developers they should increase the range of supported applications. References: Arthur, C. (2011). BlackBerry service crash affects BBM messaging for millions. The Guardian. Retrieved 26 August 2016, from Calantone, R. J., Vickery, S. K., Drge, C. (2015). Business performance and strategic new product development activities: an empirical investigation.Journal of Product Innovation Management,12(3), 214-223. Financial Documents - United States. (2016). Retrieved 24 August 2016, from Financial statements for BlackBerry Ltd Google Finance. (2016). Retrieved 24 August 2016, from Kovach, S. (2015). BlackBerry hasn't given up on smartphones yet. Retrieved 24 August 2016, from Lin, F., Ye, W. (2012). Operating system battle in the ecosystem of smartphone industry. InInformation Engineering and Electronic Commerce, 2009. IEEC'09. International Symposium on(pp. 617-621). IEEE. Middleton, C. A. (2012). Illusions of balance and control in an always-on environment: A case study of BlackBerry users.Continuum: Journal of Media Cultural Studies,21(2), 165-178. Sambamurthy, V., Zmud, R. W. (2012).Managing IT for success: The empowering business partnership. Financial Executives Research Foundation. Skipworth, H. (2010). BlackBerry vs Apple: Which is better for business users?. Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Tallon, P. P., Kraemer, K. L., Gurbaxani, V. (2015). Executives perceptions of the business value of information technology: a process-oriented approach.Journal of Management Information Systems,16(4), 145-173. Tuten, T. L., Urban, D. J. (2014). An expanded model of business-to-business partnership formation and success.Industrial marketing management,30(2), 149-164. Retrieved 26 August 2016, from

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Life and Death at the Indian Camp Essay Example

Life and Death at the Indian Camp Essay Hemingway assignment Life and Death One of the most prominent themes in Ernest Hemingway’s book of short stories, In Our Time, is the theme of life and death. In the short story entitled â€Å"Indian Camp† there was both a miraculous birth of a baby, and the sudden death of the father, who committed suicide during his wife’s labor. Interestingly enough, as Nick sits on the lake rowing with his father, he thinks of death, and feels sure that he will never die. In inter-chapter five, there are several similarities which can be compared to the story â€Å"Indian Camp. First of all, there is the recurrent theme of â€Å"life and death. † The officer in the story has the choice to live or die, like the father in the short story, however he chooses not to continue his life by allowing himself to be killed. In both stories, the conditions around both the Indian woman and the officer are somewhat morbid as well. The Indian camp came off as fairly dirty, with many other sick people around, and in the inter-chapter there were â€Å"wet dead leaves on the paving of the courtyard,† not to mention multiple other dead bodies. Minor details such as the setting and characters nearby helped to enforce the theme of life and death throughout the novel. Ironically enough as well, at the end of this story, as the officer is going to be killed, he is also sitting in water, similar to the way Nick was when he was contemplating death. Although the theme of life and death stands out strongly throughout the book, there are also multiple other themes, which cements the fact that these short stories were compiled to tell one larger story, not just as a compilation of short stories to be read separately. We will write a custom essay sample on Life and Death at the Indian Camp specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Life and Death at the Indian Camp specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Life and Death at the Indian Camp specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Emotional Intelligence And The Effect It Has On Your Career

Emotional Intelligence And The Effect It Has On Your Career Emotional intelligence or (EQ) is becoming a must have in the work force. Emotional intelligence is being able to understand and manage your emotions as well as understand the emotions of others. EQ has become a key when it comes to success in the work place. People with higher emotional intelligence tend to manage stress better and collaborate well with others. Many famous CEOs that have high emotional intelligence include Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon, Warren Buffett CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and Indra Nooyi CEO of Pepsi. There are many benefits of having employees with high emotional intelligence in the company such as higher performance and profitability. Here’s a great guide to understanding what is emotional intelligence and how it can be beneficial in the workplace.Source [BrightonSBM]

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Risks of a Nuclear Power Plant Facility Essay

The Risks of a Nuclear Power Plant Facility - Essay Example Considering the concept in the light of nuclear power plant, the focus will be on the detrimental effects accompanied by the presence of such a facility. It deals with the unprecedented effects of a potentially precarious activity or event that has not been eliminated or avoided. The radioactive material produced in the nuclear power plants exposes humans to the risk of cancer (Clapp, 2005). Risk Management and its Relevance after the Occurrence of a Disaster Because of the potentiality of a risk to produce undesirable and hazardous results, policies and strategies should be put in place to manage them whenever they occur. This brings in the concept of risk management. Risk management entails a well-structured and organized process of risk identification, and the subsequent measurement of the risk and enactment of systems to handle it. The process can be analyzed through the stages of hazard identification, assessment of the risk, control of the risk, and the monitoring and evaluation of the risk. A hazard is something potentially harmful to the people environment or the property. Any hazardous material in whichever form it is should have their effects analyzed. A nuclear power plant utilizes Uranium that is hazardous when mishandled. There are other radioactive elements that are produced during the reaction process, all of which should be disposed well. Otherwise, the accompanying effects may have a profound effect to the society and the environment for generations. In order to identify hazards in a nuclear plant facility, nuclear reactors incidences should be well documented through use of appropriate report forms. Other strategies will include conducting self-inspection, doing regular maintenance checks, regular observations and consultations, knowledge sharing with other nuclear plants operators and research institutions and seeking of specialists to assist in specific areas. Risk assessment is the second critical process in risk management. Upon realization of a risk, it is imperative that the likelihood of risk occurrence is evaluated. The likelihood of occurrence is a factor of the probability and frequency (Cohen, 2005). Therefore, the probability of a risk should be considered, in the light of the Fukushima Diiachi plant incidence it is evident that the disaster was unprecedented. Considering this fact, the probability and frequency of tsunami can predict the trend in which such disasters can occur. An evaluation of the underlying consequences should also be looked at. The effects of the radioactive material produced in the nuclear plants should be assessed and proper strategies put in place to dispose them and to ensure that in case of a disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, and tsunamis among others the harmful material will not spread to harm the environment. In risk assessment it is also important to classify the magnitude of the risk, is it extreme medium or low risk. More focus is given to extreme risks without assuming the low risks. Aft er the risk is assessed, then control measures should be put in place. The adoption of risk control measures should be done in a manner that the most risky situations are given prevalence. In risk control, the main objective is to eliminate the risk, a situation that is not possible instantly. However, efforts should be made to reduce the risk to an extent that its chances remain negligible. A

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Oil Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oil Market - Essay Example In case the price of oil went down, then the price of such commodities were also stable, and if the price of this commodities went down, then these products also follows such occurrences. If we are to analyze this, one might ask, what is with oil that it has the power to control different scenario On the second thought, analysts particularly economists suggests that it is not only the oil that can have such a trend, but almost every product that is available to the market. This kind of occurrences is dictated by the demand of the customers and the availability of the product. In this case, the law if supply and demand comes into picture. Therefore, what is the law of supply and demand Before analyzing such a law let us first scrutinize the meaning of demand and supply with regards to economics perspective. The Columbia encyclopaedia (2005) described supply and demand as, 'Supply refers to the varying amounts of a good that producers will supply at different prices; in general, and a higher price yields a greater supply. Demand refers to the quantity of a good that is demanded by consumers at any given price. According to the law of demand, demand decreases as the price rises.' Upon analyzing this premise we can now have a clearer picture of what supply and demand has something to do with the oil market. It is now clear that oil will be regarded as the supply and the wanting of the consumers to get the oil to compensate their needs is the demand. Upon looking into this scenario, one might conclude that the oil as a commodity has the power to dictate its price regarding to the demand of world market. As stated on the first page that almost every human activities on earth needs the consumption of oil, therefore, it would be safe to conclude that there is a huge amount of demand for oil. From cooking meals, generating electricity and running automobiles, this kind of activities consumes oil. If we are to base such things with the aforementioned premises, the price of oils would tend to go up and it is due to the law of demand. The law of demand is defined as " a microeconomic law that states that, all other factors being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, consumer demand for the good or service will decrease and vice versa ( 2006)." In this regard, the flow of the prices of oil would tend to go up if we are to base this phenomenon to the worldwide demand of oil. All over the world, oil is a necessity in life. On the second thought, one might ask that why it is that oil can dictate the flow of economics of some countries in the world Why is it expensive than other necessities The answer would be, it is because of the availability of the product. If we are to compare oil's prices in the majority of Middle East countries where oil is abundant against distant countries such as the Philippines where there is a minimal source of the said product, there is a huge amount of difference with regards to the amount of oil. In countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and the likes, oil prices ranges from $20-$30 centavos per liter to judge against $1.2 per liter. This is due to the following reasons: 1) the fact that oil production is limited, then the priorities of the distribution of oil would be in the countries were it was extracted and therefore, counties

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Plot and character outlines Essay Example for Free

Plot and character outlines Essay He also wants different colored rabbits that he can feed with the alfalfa that he will collect. Lennies dream doesnt come true as his child like nature means that he tries to stroke Curlys wifes hair and not wanting her to scream he breaks her neck. He then flees to the brush where George told him to hide if anything went wrong. George wanting to protect Lennie from the pain of being hung decides instead to shoot him in the back of the head similar to the way Candys dog was so mercilessly killed. Another character who has a dream is Candy. Candy is a decrepit old man who is described as a swamper who lost his hand at the end of his useful life on the ranch. He wishes to join George and lennie to escape the ranch. His dream is to join George and lennie and seeks security in his old age. He is desperate and determined to make it happen as he is afraid he will end up like his dog as he will be sacked as soon as he becomes too old to do any work. Candy is considered useless as he only has one hand I got hurt four years ago theyll can me pretty soon. Candys only friend on the ranch was his dog who was shot and so he seeks company and doesnt want to be lonely any more, wants company in his old age I wont have no place to go, an I cant get no more jobs Candys dream doesnt come true as he has to abandon his plans as lennie is killed and George has to leave town as many of the men at the ranch believe that he might have been conspiring with lennie. At this Candy,s American dream is crushed. The next character who dreams is Crooks. He is a black stable hand, lives by himself in the harness room, a shed attached to the barn. Injured when a horse kicked him, Crooks has a body that is bent to the left because of his crooked spine. The stable hand has many horse care items in his room, as well as personal belongings he keeps because he is a more permanent tenant. He is a proud man but he feels segregated from the other guys and so spends most of his time in his room reading. He used to own his own hand but he lost it He dreams of one day being accepted and being able to sit in the bunk house and play cards he wants to be able to fit in and find his own place in society, have somebody that he can talk to A guy needs somebody to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. He wanted to join George and Lennie but he pulls out after George finds out that Lennie and candy have been talking to crooks about the land and Crooks wanting to avoid disappointment decides that it is best he pulls out as George is not happy. Curlys wife also has a dream. Curlys wife is a seductive, pretty woman who not happy with her marriage to curly seeks excitement and a new life A show came through, an I met one of the actors. He says I could go with that show. But my ol lady wouldnt let me If Id went, I wouldnt be livin like this, you bet. she doesnt like Curlys and says he is a mean guy she is also happy when Lennie breaks Curlys hand as she says its good you busted curly up. Her dream is to become a big movie star as she makes reference to Nother time I met a guy, an he was in pitchers he says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural. Soons he get back to Hollywood he was gonna write to me about it I never got that letter I always thought my ol lady stole it. Her dream was to go on stage and entertain as she also tried to run away with the circus A show came through, an I met one of the actors. He says I could go with that show. But my ol lady wouldnt let me If Id went, I wouldnt be livin like this, you bet. this makes reference to the fact that she is lonely as the only woman on the ranch and resents her life. Curlys wife trys to leave the ranch when she comes across lennie and they get talking, she lets Lennie touch her hair but he gets carried away and ends up killing her. Her dreams of fame and belonging are dashed as she dies before she gets the chance to leave the ranch. The last character who has a dream is Curly. He is the boss son, a young, pugnacious character, once a semi-professional boxer. He is described by others, with some irony, as handy. He is very jealous and protective of his wife and immediately develops a dislike toward Lennie. He is married but his marriage is a shame as his wife feels lonely and spends half her time supposedly looking for curly. His wife could be described as a promiscuous as she seems to take a interest in the other men on the ranch. Curly is a small guy and doesnt like big guys, like all small guys, he dont like big guys His dream was to become a professional boxer but he had to stay on the ranch, he feels insecure and possessive of his wife, as she has a promiscuous personality. Seems like Curly is cockier than ever since he got married. His dreams were dashed as he had to stay on the ranch and was not allowed to follow his dream, this may be why he is so bitter and angry . He also cannot even keep his wife as she seems to wander off a lot. His dreams are further crushed as his hand is badly damaged in a fight with Lennie. As his hand is broken he will never be able to fight again, as well as the shame of being beaten by someone who is considered to be mentally handicapped really damaged his reputation. To sum up, most the characters in the book have a dream of some sort. All of the characters dreams in the book of mice and men do not come true . Lennie and Georges dream is slashed by Lennie killing Curlys wife and her dreams are slashed as she is killed but Curlys wife dose finally decide to leave Curly which was part of her dream. Candys dream dies with Lennie as George is not interested in the farm anymore. Crooks had his dream when he used to own his own bit of land but it was taken away from him and so his dream was crushed. They chased their dreams but none of them came true which has reference to the American dream which many people chased but most never achieve. By marc di-trolio Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Good Country People by Flannery OConnor Characterization as Theme Essay

Good Country People by Flannery OConnor Characterization as Theme The Depth of Hulga?s Despair Characterization is the most prevalent component used for the development of themes in Flannery O?Connor?s satirical short story ?Good Country People.? O?Connor artistically cultivates character development throughout her story as a means of creating multi-level themes that culminate in allegory. Although the themes are independent of each other, the characters are not; the development of one character is dependent upon the development of another. Each character?s feelings and behavior are influenced by the behavior of the others. Joy/Hulga, as the story?s main character, is the singly most significant character to the themes of this story. She is characterized as brilliant and academically sophisticated, yet naà ¯ve to the feelings and motivations of others. Ironically, Hulga has a Ph.D. in philosophy, yet she has a very narrow view of her world and no insight into other people?s true character. This contrast in Hulga?s character is the topic of one of the story?s themes: academic knowledge is not to be confused with common sense. O?Connor continues to establish theme through her characterization of Hulga. She describes Hulga as being cynical about the world and the people she knows. The irony here is that she sees these people as being simple ?country people,? she doesn?t see them as they actually are, full of hidden feelings and motivations. She views herself as superior to her mother, Mrs. Hopewell, and her mother?s tenant, Mrs. Freeman. Her opinion of the other characters as less than herself, because of their tendency to see their world through the eyes of southern women, limits Hulga?s interaction with them. She... ...cares for her and thus encourages her into letting down her guard and trusting him. This becomes Hulga?s downfall and the most important theme of O?Connor?s story: people aren?t always what they appear or ?you can?t judge a book by its cover.? Her narcissism allows Manley to talk her into removing her leg. He grabs it and runs off with it, but not before letting her know that he has played her for the fool. O?Connor?s comprehensive character development leads her readers into complacently judging Hulga as superior to the other characters in her story. She takes this a step further in her development of Manley Pointer as an innocent. Through this development, O?Connor lulls her readers into stereotyping the characters into the personas she wants them to see. Hulga?s epiphany is thematic. The ultimate irony is that not only is Hulga duped by Manley, her readers are too.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Netw310 Lab Report Week 3

NETW310 Week 3 Lab Report To complete your Week 3 lab report, discuss the questions below concerning the installation of structured cabling. Create your report using the template starting on page 2 and submit it to the Week 3 Dropbox by the due date. Your Name NETW310, Professor’s Name Current Date Lab #3, Installation of Structured Cabling Lab Report Each answer is worth 2. 8 points. Use a red colored font for you answers. Place the answers below the questions 1. How often are network standards reviewed? . What category of UTP cabling is the minimum for a telephone cable? 3. What category of cabling should be installed as a best practice for a telephone cable? 4. What is the problem with leaving abandoned cable in place in a building? 5. Why must the twisting in the individual wires be maintained in a UTP cable? 6. How many wires does a gigabit cable use? 7. Is the labeling standard commonly used or not used? 8. Grounding should be attached to what in the building? 9.Horizont al cabling connects what areas to each other? 10. What is a plenum rated cable? 11. What is a riser tube used for? 12. What is the code for plenum rated horizontal cable? 13. How many wires in a UTP cable does Fast Ethernet use? 14. How many inches should separate UTP cable from 120 volt electrical cable? 15. What is the reason for grounding jumpers on each connection in ladder rack? 16. Why should overfilling of a riser tube be avoided? 17. Is the grounding of equipment a safety or a performance concern? 8. What are the current recognized horizontal cabling categories? 19. May an existing Category 5 cable be used to make network connections? 20. In the example used here what does the firestop material consist of? 21. In what circumstances will poorly installed cabling still function? 22. Why should the outer cover on a UTP cable be maintained in place? 23. Does cable labeling impact network performance? 24. May CM cable be used in the plenum space? 25. Why should a plastic riser tu be not be used?

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Problem Of Children Intelligence Test Scores - 1653 Words

Nowadays, the global is facing the same pressure in early childhood education; many countries’ education system start to teach children academic skills at progressively younger age; because of the concerns about falling behind peers in their later the school aged. However, these early-accelerated preschool programs do not necessarily guarantee future academic success. Even worse, that may cause children’s social and emotional problems in the future (Marcon, 2002). More and more researchers suggest that through engagement in The Vygotskian theory of make-believe play, young children will be on the right track of cognitive development, then master necessary prerequisites of academic skills. During the past decades, many types of research†¦show more content†¦In the article, Accelerating Cognitive Development: Helpful or Harmful to Children? Lois Nelson argued that accelerate cognitive-developmental program could indeed produce short-term gains, but these gains can’t maintain for the longer term. Even worse, any benefits of acceleration were shortly retained only in childhood year, but this will make effects on decreasing motivation for learning in later life (Nelson, 1973, p. 257). As for children who have been pushed to learn the inappropriate concept, those pushed will let children losing interests in learning new things. Beyond being fun for children, make-believe play has been considered as a necessary early childhood activity. During playing, kids pretend different roles, and they may need to incorporate with others to imagine various circumstances and regulate themselves by following rules of the game scene. Vygotsky viewed make-believe play as a sole, broadly influential zone of proximal development where children’s learning takes place within. The make-believe play makes kids trying out full various challenging skills in the way to advance children themselves (Vygotsky, 1933/ 1978). In Vygotsky’ theory, make-believe play is the core to lead children learning development; it helps children to create an imaginary situations and make them act before thinking. While children are pretending, they changed the meaning of usual things by creatingShow MoreRelatedIq Tests And The Iq Test Essay1743 Words   |  7 Pagesrepresent the a person s reasoning and problem solving ability, usually representing the person s score on an intelligence test which consists of several IQ standardized tests. Intelligence quotient term is given by William Stern. Two of the most widely recognized are the Stanford - Binet Intelligence Scales and the Wechsler tests. There are varies online questionnai res IQ tests. They are only for entertainment like etc. Alfred Binet and the First IQ Test In early 1900s, the French governmentRead MoreIntelligence Quotient Test Is A Successful Development Created By French Psychologist Alfred Binet1437 Words   |  6 PagesIntelligence Quotient test is a successful development created by French Psychologist Alfred Binet. The development of the test was made in response to a French public school that wanted a method to calculate an individual’s academic achievement. Binet’s test composed a two hour individual standardized assessment that marks the skills of knowledge and scores measured by the child’s mental age, nonetheless the questions in the Binet-Simon test were leveled in difficulty according to age. (IntelligenceRead MoreThe Validity And Reliability Of The Measure1042 Words   |  5 Pagesscales are a measure used to assess intelligence of people; as with any measure, it is important to evaluate the validity and reliability of the measure. 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